HSEQ Expectations and Performance Objectives
Addressing the full set of HSEQ Expectations and Performance Objectives is mandatory for every activity across the entire PVTRANS organization. The relevance, application and degree of implementation within a particular Business Unit will be a function of:
- The operational risk
- Local and national regulatory requirements
- HSEQ management programs
Managers are accountable for putting in place appropriate documented systems and processes for each Performance Objective, for ensuring continuing progress towards PVTRANS HSEQ goals and targets, and for confirming that these processes are effective.
The content, format and terminology of HSEQ management and audit systems at the Business Unit or specific sites are a matter of local choice, provided these:
- Are compatible with the PVTRANS Audits
- Are appropriate to operational risks
- Are relevant to regulatory and voluntary codes subscribed to by PVTRANS
- Can be referenced back to all relevant Expectations set out in this HSEQ Management system Framework
At the same time, we encourage standardization of programs, work processes, and procedures across similar operations and Business Units, and the transfer, sharing and adoption of efficient and cost-effective good practices.
Policy and Strategic Objectives
An HSEQ Policy and Management System are established which sets the HSEQ expectations with clearly defined performance objectives identified to enable the company to achieve the requirements of the policy.
Performance Objectives
Processes are in place to meet the following requirements:
- Executive management endorses the HSEQ Policy and seeks assurance of compliance by systematic and regular review of health, safety, environmental and quality performance.
- Managers are accountable for the implementation and communication of HSEQ Policy requirements and meeting HSEQ performance standards required.
- Executive management establishes and documents measurable HSEQ objectives, targets, and performance indicators.
- HSEQ Plans (and programs) include designated responsibilities, resources, and time frames to achieve goals and targets.
- Risks and legal requirements are considered when establishing HSEQ objectives, targets, and performance indicators.
- HSEQ Performance measurements are used to refine plans, objectives, targets, and performance indicators to improve.
- HSEQ initiatives and positive outcomes are recognized and rewarded.
- Managers report progress against HSEQ objectives, targets, and performance indicators to executive management, at least quarterly.
Organization and Communication
Management ensures an organization is defined; responsibilities are clearly identified, with resources commensurate with implementing the requirements of the HSEQ Policy. Personnel are competent to conduct their assigned activities, training provided, recorded and evaluated to maintain their skills and competencies, with their competencies regularly assessed. HSEQ matters are effectively communicated throughout the organization, and to the customer, when applicable.
Performance Objectives
Processes are in place to meet the following requirements:
- HSEQ responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities of staff and subcontractors are identified, defined, documented, maintained, understood, and applied.
- Recruitment for staff includes an assessment of HSEQ awareness, competencies, and performance.
- Staff and subcontractors are consulted on HSEQ matters and included in related decision making, as appropriate.
- Inductions addressing relevant HSEQ objectives, hazards, risks, controls, and behavior are conducted for staff, subcontractors, and visitors.
- HSEQ competencies required for all positions are identified, documented, and periodically reviewed.
- Systems are in place to identify, prioritize, plan, document, and monitor training needs and performance for staff and subcontractors.
- On-the-job behavior observation programs are encouraged to correct at-risk behavior and reinforce positive behavior.
- Competence-based training programs and assessments are in place for positions where critical HSEQ tasks/activities have been identified.
- HSEQ matters are effectively communicated throughout the organization with relevant information on HSEQ issues being communicated to personnel on a regular basis.
- All internal and external complaints related to HSEQ aspects of our operations are recorded, acknowledged, and investigated as incidents.
Hazards and Effects Management
Hazards are identified and associated risks assessed. The hazards and effects management processes form an integral part of decision making and are documented, with appropriate action taken to manage risks to a level that is tolerable and as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
Performance Objectives
Processes are in place to meet the following requirements:
- Hazards and risks are identified, evaluated, prioritized, and controlled by a structured process, including means that address normal and non-routine work activities.
- Formal risk assessments are planned and conducted during all phases/activities.
- HSEQ critical elements are identified (e.g. equipment, processes, personnel,procedures).
- Staff and subcontractors involved in hazard identification, evaluation, control, and formal risk assessments are trained and qualified.
- Reporting and documentation requirements of hazard identification, evaluation and control, and formal risk assessment and risk management are defined and executed effectively and in a timely manner.
- Risks are communicated to relevant interested parties, as appropriate.
- Responsibilities and deadlines for corrective actions are established to ensure timely close-out of risk-related follow-up actions.
- The results of hazard identification, evaluation and control, and formal risk assessments are considered in the preparation and review of emergency response plans and procedures.
Purchasing and Subcontractor Management
The contracting of services and the purchase, hire, or lease of equipment and materials, are carried out in a manner to ensure that HSEQ expectations are aligned so as to maximize company performance and customer satisfaction while minimizing adverse effects on HSEQ.
Performance Objectives
Processes are in place to meet the following requirements:
- Suppliers and subcontractors are subject to an HSEQ evaluation and/or reevaluation prior to contractual arrangements being established.
- Contracts specifically require subcontractors to implement systems and provide resources to meet the HSEQ policies, objectives, and requirements.
- Interfaces with suppliers of services and products are identified and effectively managed.
- HSEQ performance of suppliers and subcontractors, and specifically their compliance with the obligations specified in contracts, are monitored and reported.
- HSEQ requirements related to services, equipment, materials and qualification of personnel are specified prior to purchase and compliance with these requirements (i.e. HSEQ Project Plans) are verified prior to, during, or upon delivery, including required HSEQ documentation (e.g. operating and maintenance procedures, MSDS's, etc.)
- Suppliers and subcontractors provide information on the HSEQ risks, hazards, aspects and impacts associated with their equipment, products, and services.
Design, Construction and Commissioning
New facilities, and modifications to existing facilities, will be designed, procured, constructed, and commissioned to manage HSEQ risks through the facility life.
Performance Objectives
Processes are in place to meet the following requirements:
- Project and facility planning, design, construction and commissioning standards are developed, approved and meet or exceed all regulatory requirements, company standards and customer requirements.
- Effective codes, standards, processes and procedures are applied during design and construction to ensure facility integrity throughout life-cycle requirements.
- Deviations from design standards are identified, approved and managed with justifications documented and retained.
- Potential HSEQ hazards are identified and their associated risks assessed and managed using appropriate tools.
- Critical equipment, systems, procedures, and activities are identified and documented and performance standards verified.
- Formal design and development review, verification, and validation studies are carried out based on risk assessments, accepted performance standards and customer requirements.
- Specific HSEQ requirements and responsibilities for and during project execution are documented in Project HSEQ Plans which are communicated and well understood.
- Pre and post start-up process reviews are carried out and documented to ensure that construction or modification is in accordance with design requirements and that all required verification, documentation, and training is complete.
- Where applicable, customer property will be controlled and preserved.